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IQ Corp Mgt





Meet the Blue Rose / IQ Team !



Rich Walborn is the technical wizard responsible for all Blue Rose / IQ products.


Bruce Weisberg is responsible for product development and the corporate operations of Blue Rose /IQ.



Combined, we have extensive engineering, product development and manufacturing expertise. We have worked for, and designed products for JBL, Infinity, M&K, Moog, Fender, Fostex, Kodak, etc.



When we are not designing products for Blue Rose / IQ, we are busy with our sister companies. We design and manufacture all of the Blue Sky active monitors and electronics. We are part owners of Blue Sky. We do OEM programs through Audio Design Labs.


Please visit to see what else we are up to.



Blue Sky International    www.abluesky.com


Audio Design Labs     www.audiodesignlabs.com




If you want to chat, please call Bruce at 818.481.8522









The team can be reached at:  iqaudiocorp@gmail.com











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